Project Work and Thesis

Project Work and Thesis

The Thesis is the crowning piece of one’s studies at bachelor level synthesising the knowledge and skills a student has acquired. At the Faculty of Economics, students are given the opportunity to complete their thesis in three semesters, in the framework of the subjects called Project Work 1 and 2, and the Thesis itself. Undertaking extensive research, following the written guidelines, and respecting the advice of your supervisors, will ensure that your thesis is sophisticated and of high quality, and therefore, will give you a competitive edge in your future professional career.


The detailed schedule of the complex Project Work-Thesis process is accessible in Hungarian on the website and, in translation, on the Moodle page dedicated to international students (Section: “Project Work – Thesis”). The timeline contains all the significant dates (e.g., PW1 midterm and retake) and the essential deadlines (stating supervisor preferences, submission of PW1, PW2, and Thesis) for all students involved in the various stages of the process in the current academic year.

Students are reminded that Project Work 1 is only offered in the Autumn Semester while Project Work 2 is only available in the Spring Semester. The “Thesis” course is offered in both semesters.


Students will find the documents related to the Project Work-Thesis process (e.g. the Guidelines and Requirements for Bachelor Project Work and Thesis, the Template for Thesis and Project Works, the list of Supervisors with their recommended topics, and the various Consultation Forms) on the Hungarian Faculty website, here: Tanulmányi Hivatal/Alapképzés/Projektfeladat-Szakdolgozat. These and other relevant documents are also available in Section “Project Work – Thesis” on the International Students’ page in Moodle.


Irrespective of the programme a student is completing and the language of the programme, all students registered for Project Work 1 are added to a dedicated bilingual Project Work 1 Moodle course page after the course registration period has ended. The page then appears among one’s Moodle courses (“My courses”) and the relevant course name is also published on the Hungarian website (Tanulmányi Hivatal/Alapképzés/Projektfeladat-Szakdolgozat) early in the semester. The course has a Hungarian name, and its format follows this pattern: academic year and semester, the following combination of letters “BBZFQO-P1-BSc”, and finally, the year and the semester plus the subject name in Hungarian. A recent example is “2024/25/1 BBZFQO-P1-BSc-2024ősz - Projektfeladat I. (PS)”, where “ősz” stands for “autumn” and “Projektfeladat” means “Project Work”. Visit this page to gain access to the study materials, the midterm details, and the midterm registration link. This is also the place where students must state their supervisor preferences and where, after the midterm, the supervisor-student teams are announced.