Exam Centre
Exam Centre

Nearly all assessment at ELTE GTK takes place at the state-of-the-art Exam Centre (EC). The unit, which opened at 2 Szentkirályi Street (just two blocks away from the main campus) in autumn 2022, is equipped with two hundred computers on which nearly 200,000 midterms and exams take place every semester.
Before taking the required midterms and exams, students are advised to study The Principles and Ground Rules of Assessment (accessible to enrolled students with their IIG identifier) thoroughly. This document contains all the details of completing courses, obtaining grades, taking and retaking midterms and exams, etc.
Current students should also read the Exam Centre Regulations and Exam Centre Privacy Notice very carefully. (Both documents are accessible with your IIG, i.e. your institutional email address.)
Further information on using the EC equipment and solving common problems, as well as a Sample Quiz are available on the page dedicated to international students in Moodle. A practice computer is also at the students’ disposal on the third floor in Building Q. If you have any remaining questions about the Exam Centre, find the answers in the document called: Exam Centre FAQ.
Information on the exam period of the current semester can be accessed (with your IIG/ELTE student email address) below. The document is called “Information on the Exam Period” and contains details on such essential topics as offered grades, exam organisation and registration, and much more.