For ELTE GTK students

Summer University – for ELTE GTK students

Summer University – for ELTE GTK students
Please find below some important information on (1) the conditions of participation with or without payment, (2) the application process, (3) the content of the summer university, as well as which subjects in the standard curriculum can be completed in advance by taking part in the summer university.

1. Free participation is offered if the following minimum conditions are met: (a) an adequate level of English language proficiency, (b) the student must belong to the upper third of the cohort based on the scholarship-average, (c) for first-year Hungarian students only: at least 425 points obtained at the common entrance exam process.
The following are accepted as proof of English language proficiency: advanced level English complex language exam (minimum C1 level) or intermediate (B2) language exam and a minimum of five subjects completed in English; in the case of master’s students, the English language subjects can be substituted by at least two years of work experience in an English-speaking environment.
Candidates who meet the minimum requirements will be ranked and selected according to the order based on the totalised corrected credit index. If a student does not meet the conditions for free participation but there are still available places on his/her chosen course, he/she can participate in the summer university by paying a fee of HUF 72,000.

2. Applications are accepted on this platform from 29 May to 11 June. Notification about the decision will be given by 18 June. Before submitting your application, you must either register your language exam in Neptun or upload the certificate to the application surface mentioned above. You can apply to a maximum of three courses, but you can only participate in one of them.

3. By passing exams and thus obtaining grades in your summer university courses, you can complete individual subjects in the standard ELTE GTK curriculum. Exams in summer university courses can be taken on the last day of BESU. 

The table below shows the summer university courses and provides information on which bachelor’s and (in the case of Hungarian students) master’s courses can be fulfilled by a particular BESU course.

BESU Course

Replaceable Bachelor’s subject

Replaceable Master’s subject

Architecture of Deals: Principles of Transaction Design

Compulsory Elective Course Unit in the Social Sciences

Actual Questions of… (at every degree program)

Building Skills in Business Communication


Negotiation or 

Actual Questions of… (at every degree program)

Intercultural Management

Compulsory Elective Course Unit in the Social Sciences

Actual Questions of… (at every degree program)



Negotiation or 

Actual Questions of… (at every degree program)

Practical Business-to-Business Marketing in Action

Compulsory Elective Course Unit in the Social Sciences

Interorganizational and Service Marketing or

Actual Questions of… (at every degree program)

Strategies of Multinational Enterprises

Compulsory Elective Course Unit in the Social Sciences

Actual Questions of… (at every degree program)

The Rise of Social Media and its Impact on Business Ethics

Compulsory Elective Course Unit in the Social Sciences

Actual Questions of… (at every degree program)

BESU courses will only be accepted as completed regular courses if you were continuously present during the classes and successfully passed the exam at the end of the course. Evidence of successful completion will be provided in the form of a transcript, which you will have to submit together with a credit transfer request to the Student Affairs and Registrar’s Office of the GTK by the end of the registration period. (Your grade will equal the grade you earned at BESU.)