Faculty Erasmus+ opportunities

Faculty Erasmus+ opportunities

The following Erasmus+ opportunities are open to ELTE GTK’s international students,  

  1. study abroad (1 semester) 
  2. traineeship during studies: to complete your curricular internship and/or gain work experience (2-5 months, min. 60 consecutive days, max. 150 consecutive days)
  3. traineeship after graduation (2-5 months, min. 60 consecutive days, max. 150 consecutive days)

While, due to the Stipendium Hungaricum regulations, SH scholarship holders are not eligible for parallel scholarships during their studies and may, therefore only apply for scholarship opportunities abroad after their graduation, self-financed students have more chances during their studies as well. In other words, full degree students can apply for both study and traineeship opportunities, while SH students can only apply for post-studies traineeship mobility. If you would like more information, write directly to outgoing@gtk.elte.hu.

In addition to the information on the institutional website, below you will find faculty-specific information on Erasmus+ scholarship opportunities. 


Eötvös Loránd University announces the call for Erasmus+ long-term student mobility programmes for the Spring Semester of Academic Year 2024/2025.

Read the English-language call here: ELTE Erasmus+ second call for application 2024. ELTE organises English-language presentations on Teams centrally. The recording and the slides of the presentations are available on the ELTE website

Find the best destination for your study abroad semester by examining ELTE GTK’s list of partner institutions. To learn more about both study and traineeship opportunities, visit ELTE GTK’s International Office during office hours.

The current application period is between 02.09.2024 – 24.09.2023 20:00 (23:59 p.m.). Applications must be submitted via Mobility-Online. Within the Erasmus + mobility framework, these mobility programmes must be completed by 30.09.2025.


To apply, fill in and submit the following documents via Mobility-Online.

  1. English ELTE application form
  2. Data Clearance

Check the following short video on how to fill in the application form to submit a successful application. If you have any queries, write to outgoing@gtk.elte.hu


An application is only valid if it is submitted by the deadline and if the submitted documents are fully completed. Applications which contain false data or from which data are missing, which do not meet the minimum criteria and/or are not legible, will be considered as “formally failed” and will be rejected.


It is your responsibility to check the course offer of ELTE GTK’s partner universities during the application period. If it is not available (first check the partner institution’s ’Incoming’ page on the website or its Fact Sheet document), contact the partner’s incoming coordinator.

What is ELTE’s Erasmus code?

What are the language requirements?
Erasmus mobility requires that you have B2 level in the medium of instruction of the partner university. For instance, if you plan to go to a German partner but wish to study courses in English, the medium of instruction is considered to be English. However, you can also study courses in other languages if there is an opportunity to do so at the partner. The language requirements must be met before your planned mobility.

What is the medium of instruction if I am planning to register for courses in different languages?
In this case, the medium of instruction is the language in which you study the majority of your courses.

Does ELTE GTK use an equivalence database?
No, ELTE GTK uses the so-called mobility window, which means that there are certain semesters which are recommended for Erasmus mobility.

Are there any recommended semesters for mobility?
Yes. For BA/BSc students, the 5th and 6th semesters can be considered as the recommended semesters (the so-called mobility window) as the subject Project Work I can be completed while you are abroad. Of course, your mobility can take place in a different semester as well if this is necessitated by the academic calendar or the arrangement of the study periods at your intended destination.

As an ELTE GTK student what faculty-specific requirements apply to me?

Application documents:

The cover letter
The language of the cover letter and of the credit mobility form is English. If you are planning to register for subject(s) in another language, as well, then you are encouraged to write your cover letter in that language, too.
A convincing and meaningful cover letter is important because it explains why you wish to go to a particular university. It also shows how the study abroad semester will fit into your studies at ELTE, and it proves your proficiency in English. It is therefore worthwhile to prepare the cover letter in a linguistically sophisticated manner. (Even though no scores are awarded for it during the evaluation of your application.)

The ELTE GTK application form (available on Mobility-Online)
The form contains questions in connection with your planned studies at the host institution(s), as well as in connection with your studies at ELTE during your planned mobility. Your answers show what you want to study at the host institution and which study units of your ELTE GTK programme you want to have recognised by studying courses abroad. This will demonstrate to what extent you are planning to balance your studies abroad and at ELTE GTK and how much you have researched the options provided by the partner institution.

When applying, you can submit these data for a maximum of three institutions (for maximum 15 points). Within these constraints, the more institutions you submit applications for, the higher your score and the greater your chances of winning will be.

Naming the uploaded documents
The following structure is required to be followed when naming your soon-to-be-uploaded application documents: TYPEOFDOCUMENT_NEPTUNCODE (E.g.: CV_ABC123, Coverletter_ABC123_Volunteering_ABC123)
In case of language exams, please use exactly the same structure as described below: Nyv1-3_NEPTUNCODE_LANGUAGE_LEVEL_TYPE_(T) (E.g.: Nyv1_ABC123_English_B2_C_T)
— Nyv = short for language exam in Hungarian (Nyelvvizsga)
— numbers right after “Nyv” stand for the number of language exams you are uploading. If you upload 1 language exam then the name of the document starts with “Nyv1”, if 2 documents are uploaded then the second document’s name starts with “Nyv2” and if you upload the maximum number of 3 language exams then the 3rd document’s name will start with "Nyv3”
— Level can be: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, or C2
— Types of language exams are as follows: A = oral exam, B = written exam, C = complex
— Add a “T” at the end of the document’s name if you are planning to take courses in that language at the partner institution.

Supporting new Erasmus+ applicants 

Since Autumn 23/24 former/earlier won Erasmus+ mobilities on the same study level at ELTE GTK have been taken into account when awarding the scores. The following chart will help you predict your score:

First application

6 points

No previously won Erasmus+ mobility

4 points

Former Erasmus+ winner who successfully closed one’s mobility

0 point

Former Erasmus+ winner who cancelled one’s mobility right before the Students and Staff Mobility Committee (HOMB)’s decision

- 4 points

Former Erasmus+ winner who cancelled one’s mobility during the nomination period (after the official notification based on the decision of Students and Staff Mobility Committee (HOMB), but till May 15th in case of the 1st call/ November 15th in case of the 2nd call.

-6 points

Former Erasmus+ winner who cancelled one’s mobility after the nomination period (in case of the 1st call: after May 15th, in case of 2nd call: after November 15th)

- 12 points

Former Erasmus+ winner who cancelled one’s mobility but failed to notify the International Office of ELTE GTK.

- 15 points

If you have cancelled your mobility before, but are not sure which category applies to you, check the following list:

  • The GTK notification message is the first message students receive in connection with their application status (supported = winner OR rejected). This notification is always sent from an email address ending in @gtk.elte.hu.
  • The official notification message was sent to supported students via a Neptun message in the past. Starting with AY 2024/2025, this message will be sent via Mobility-Online and via the stutdents’ e-mail recorded in Neptun. By default, the messages are sent in April and October.

List the specifics of the courses you plan to study abroad in the ELTE GTK application form (Mobility-Online). The Erasmus+ credit mobility form shows how those subjects are connected to your studies at your home institution: whether you are planning to get a course recognised as a free elective course (FE), as a compulsory elective course covering competence (or study) areas like CA Law, CA Social Sciences, or CA Informatics, or as a mandatory/compulsory course (MC). For the last, include the ELTE GTK subject code, subject name, and credit value, as well.

The actual credit recognition and credit transfer process will take place after the end of your mobility and will be based on your completed courses. During the application process, you are advised to list courses worth 30 ECTS credits per semester. After winning the scholarship, register for courses with the same value at the partner institution. Out of these courses, you will have to complete courses worth at least 20 credits abroad. And, after returning to Budapest, you will have to get courses with the same credit value accepted by ELTE GTK, too.

Taking the above into account, carefully review the subjects (and their credit value) you want to study at your chosen partner university. Consider how these subjects fit into your studies at ELTE GTK. Based on the partner institution’s course descriptions, decide which courses are similar to those in your standard curriculum at ELTE GTK.

How many credits (ECTS) should I obtain at the host institution during my mobility abroad?
During your studies at one of ELTE GTK’s partner institutions, you need to earn at least 20 credits (ECTS). Credits received at ELTE in the same semester are not taken into consideration. BUT if the partner offers a language course for credits (ECTS), the course’s credit value can be calculated as part of the minimum credit value (20) if you complete the course and receive an official certificate for it.

What happens if I can’t reach the minimum 20-credit (ECTS) limit?
There may occur some cases when you cannot accomplish the expected 20-credit (ECTS) limit at the partner institution. If this is a justifiable case due to unforeseen circumstances, you have the opportunity to submit a request addressed to the Vice-Dean for International Affairs sent to outgoing@gtk.elte.hu. There exists no template for this request, instead it is your responsibility to explain your case in a linguistically sophisticated manner. Remember the following while formulating your request:

  • there may be a justified case, which prevents you from completing the minimum credit (20) through no fault of your own. For example, a course was announced as an English-taught course before your arrival but turned out to be held in another language after your arrival. Ensure and prove that the non-completion of the course (courses) was none of your fault but was caused by external circumstances beyond your control.  
  • the subject of the email should always be the following: “Exemption from minimum credit request - Full Name” (For example: Exemption from minimum credit request - Béla Csaba Példa-Kovács).
  • in your request, you should always include your full name, your programme at GTK, your level of education (for example: BA/BSc, MA/MSc), the semester of your mobility (for example: 2021/2022/1), the Erasmus code of the partner university and the country where you spent your mobility. 
  • do not forget to add the following details: at the partner institution, how many credits you took, how many of these you managed to complete, how many exam options were available to students per course/in you non-completed course, how many of these you took and with what results.
  • attach any documents/correspondence that support your claim (e.g. emails from host institution coordinator/teacher). 
  • do not forget to ask GTK to give you exemption from the minimum 20 credits (ECTS) and to describe in detail the causes which made it difficult/impossible to complete the minimum credits (20) at the partner institution. 
  • as soon as you see that you will not be able to earn the minimum credits (20) and you have a preliminary or final Transcript of Records (TOR) document, you can submit your request. You can submit your request by 10 May regarding an autumn semester mobility, and by 30 November concerning a spring mobility, the latest.
  • the evaluation of the request may take considerable time. You will be sent a notification email regarding the decision by your faculty coordinator. 
  • your closing documents will only be forwarded to the relevant ELTE department for the closing of your mobility after the decision has been made. 

In the table below, you can find the criteria based on which the submitted request will be assessed. Submit your request if you think that you will obtain at least 10 points based on these:



Number of taken credits (ECTS):





Number of completed credits (ECTS):







In case of a failed course

participation in all exam dates/ opportunities


participation in one exam opportunity


Justifiable difficulties:

course taught in a language other than English


being sick for at least a month


Do I have to register for a course at ELTE while I am doing my mobility at a partner institution?
Yes, you must also register for at least one course in Neptun at ELTE, in which you must obtain a grade during your mobility semester in order to have active student status at ELTE GTK.

Can I take an exam in a course if I haven’t registered for it in Neptun?
No. You can only register for an exam if you register for the course during the course registration period in Neptun.

Do I have to travel back to Hungary and go to the Exam Centre in-person to take an exam?
No. Since 2023/24/2 semester you can take one oral exam per course if you have Erasmus status. ATTENTION! There are exemptions to this rule. Some exams cannot be taken orally, and one notable exception is the comprehensive exams.

If you have any further queries, write to outgoing@gtk.elte.hu.