Short-term Erasmus+ Opportunities (BIP)

Short-term Erasmus+ Opportunities (BIP)

The following Erasmus+ opportunities are open to ELTE GTK’s international students,  

  1. long-term mobility (details under Long-term Erasmus+ opportunities):
    1. study abroad (1 semester) 
    2. traineeship during studies: to complete your curricular internship and/or gain work experience (2-5 months, min. 60 consecutive days, max. 150 consecutive days)
    3. traineeship after graduation (2-5 months, min. 60 consecutive days, max. 150 consecutive days)
  2. short-term mobility: Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) – details below. 

While, due to the Stipendium Hungaricum regulationsSH scholarship holders are not eligible to receive parallel scholarships during their studies and may, therefore, only apply for a long-term scholarship opportunity abroad after completing their programme (i.e. (for traineeship after graduation), short-term mobilities (BIPs) are open to them during their studies. Self-financed full-degree students can apply for all the long-term and short-term opportunities shown above. 

If you would like more information, write directly to

In addition to the information on the institutional (ELTE) website, below you will find faculty-specific information on Erasmus+ short-term scholarship opportunities (BIP).

BIP: Blended Intensive Programme

A BIP (Blended Intensive Programme) is a short study abroad mobility programme for students consisting of a physical and a virtual part involving at least three higher education institutions from three different countries.


GTK IO: GTK International Office (in Hungarian: GTK NI – GTK Nemzetközi Iroda)
ENPO: Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes (often referred to as ELTE’s central office)
HOMB: Committee on Student and Staff Mobility (in Hungarian: Hallgatói és Oktatói Mobilitási Bizottság)


A BIP (Blended Intensive Programme) is a short study abroad mobility programme for students consisting of a physical and a virtual part involving at least three higher education institutions from three different countries.

FINANCES: The amount of the grant 
You can find information on the current amount of the grant available to BIP participants on ELTE’s Erasmus+ website.
Please note that the Erasmus grant can only be paid for the physical part of the mobility. The grant does not necessarily cover all your expenses during the mobility abroad and, therefore, you may need to supplement the Erasmus grant from other sources.
Eligible applicants may apply for additional financial support. This includes students with fewer opportunities (i.e. socially disadvantaged students and students with disabilities or long-term illnesses). A supplementary grant for verified green travel is also available.

I have further questions concerning the content of the planned BIP. Who can I turn to?
You can contact the partner institution via their contact channels (e.g. contact email address). You will find these in the call for application or on their website.  

What happens if I cannot complete the BIP? 
If you fail to complete the BIP (e.g. you do not earn the credits or you do not travel for the BIP, or you do not attend the virtual – online – part of the BP), you will have to reimburse/refund the full amount of the grant you received (as stated in your Grant Agreement). 
If for any unforeseen reason (e.g. illness) you are unable to participate in any part of the BIP that has already started, please inform the International Office as soon as possible by sending an email to and filling in the following Forms document.

Can I cancel my BIP?
As the Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) regulations stipulate that a BIP can only take place if a minimum number of students from at least two sending partners participate in the mobility, cancellations can only be accepted in justified cases (e.g. sudden illness, force majeure) and by submitting a substantiating document. Therefore, please carefully consider whether participating in and successfully completing your BIP is compatible with your university obligations and/or other activities already before submitting your application. 
You can indicate your decision to cancel your BIP to the International Office by filling in the following Forms document.

What happens if I cancel the BIP mobility I have been awarded?
If you have been awarded a scholarship but cancelled it or you did not complete your mobility, your application for BIP mobilities in the following semester will be automatically rejected.
Starting from December 2024, your application will be affected by your BIP history: firstly, a previous BIP participation on your current level of training and, secondly, a successful previous BIP application at the Faculty of Economics. The table below will help you calculate how many points you can expect in each case:

Student with no previous BIP application 5 points
Student without a previously awarded (BIP) mobility  3 points
Student with an awarded and successfully completed mobility 0 point
Student with an awarded but cancelled mobility - 5 points
Student with an awarded but not completed mobility. Student did not notify the International Office.  - 10 points

What are the language requirements? 
You must have at least a B2 level complex exam (written+oral parts) in the BIP’s language of instruction. A language proficiency certificate must be uploaded at the time of application.

Only applications submitted as described below will be accepted, and applications sent by any other means (e.g. email) will not be accepted.
If you submit more than one application for the same BIP, the first submitted application will be considered.

How can I apply for a BIP? 
You can submit your application via this Forms document

Can I apply for additional financial support? 
Yes. You will find further information on additional financial support here
For an additional grant for „students with fewer opportunities”, the required, formally correct and complete documentation must be uploaded in the Forms application document. 

What happens if I forget to upload something or if the application/submission is incomplete? 
Your application will be evaluated based on the submitted application via Forms. If the submission is incomplete (answers are missing) and/or you did not upload the required (supporting) documents, no late submission or supplementary submission is possible. Therefore, we advise you to read the instructions and the specifications/explanations very carefully when filling in the Forms application document. 
If you submit more than one application for the same BIP, the first submitted application will be considered.

Evaluation and decision
The final list of successful applicants (winners) will be decided by the Students and Staff Mobility Committee (HOMB). Winners will be officially notified of the result via the email address given by the student in the application (the Forms application document). 
Only complete applications submitted by the deadline will be considered valid. Applications that contain false information, are incomplete, do not meet the requirements, or are illegible will not be accepted or taken into consideration.

Will I be notified if my application is successful? 
Yes, the International Office notifies all applicants after the decision of the Students and Staff Mobility Committee (HOMB) about the result of their application.

For winners: before the mobility

The Before the mobility pack must always be submitted respecting the given deadlines. 

As all the BIP participants’ Before the mobility packs can only be forwarded to ELTE’s Central Office (ENPO = Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes), it is of utmost importance that all students submit their documents by the deadline.

What documents do I have to submit? 
The International Office will always send an email to the successful applicants (winners) about the next steps they must take and the relevant faculty deadlines.
The Before the mobility packs must be sent to and must include the following items,
– the Learning Agreement signed by all the three parties (the student, the GTK coordinator, and the BIP organiser/coordinator)
– Insurance (e.g. EU blue card or private)

Do I have to complete the Forms document?
Yes. The Forms document is accessible with your IIG (institutional/ELTE email address) here.

Do I have to do the OLS (language) test? 
If the physical part of your mobility (i.e. the time you will spend at the partner institution) is shorter than 14 days, the OLS test is not obligatory. 
However, you must have at least B2-level language proficiency (a complex language exam including both a written and an oral part) in the language of the BIP and you must upload the certificate with your application. 

Do I also have to register with the partner institution?
In most cases, the answer is yes. The partner institution will inform you about this.

There are deadlines set both by GTK and the partner institution. Meeting these deadlines is imperative in order to start your mobility. 
Missing the deadlines may result in losing the mobility you have won!

What happens if I do not submit the required Before the mobility pack by the deadline? 
As all the BIP participants’ Before the mobility packs can only be forwarded to ELTE’s Central Office (ENPO = Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes), it is of utmost importance that all students submit their documents by the deadline.
If you do not submit the required documents by the deadline and you do not notify the International Office (IO) at that you will only be able to submit them later due to unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances (e.g. hospitalisation, etc.), we will assume that you have cancelled your mobility.

What happens if I have to register with the partner institution, but I fail to do so by the given deadline? 
If it is necessary to register with the partner institution and you miss the registration deadline, you must contact them as soon as possible to find out if late registration is possible. You must also notify GTK’s International Office at
It may be the case that late registration is not allowed by the partner institution. This then means that you have automatically lost your mobility.

For winners: after the mobility

Failure to complete your “After the mobility tasks” may result in a restriction on your studies at the Faculty of Economics. Therefore, you are asked to keep track of the completion of your own mobility and to meet the required deadlines.

What documents do I have to submit? 
The list of the required “Closing documents” can be downloaded from the ELTE website

  • Certificate of Attendance
    • This document is only required if your Transcript of Records (TOR) does not show the exact starting and closing dates of your mobility. If your Transcript of Records features these dates, you do not have to submit the Certificate of Attendance. 
    • If the partner institution issues their own Certificate of Attendance, you must submit that as part of your “After the mobility” pack.
    • If your Transcript of Records (TOR) does not show the exact starting and closing dates of your mobility and the partner institution does not issue their own Certificate of Attendance, you must download ELTE’s Certificate of Attendance from the website, have the partner institution’s coordinator sign it, and submit it.
  • Transcript of Records (TOR): The document contains information on the course you completed at the partner institution and its credit value. It must be signed by the institution and must also bear its stamp. 
  • Green travel (optional): If you were awarded the additional support for green travel, you must keep your travel documents and provide proof of the realised green travel at the end of your mobility. Accordingly, please take special care to keep the tickets used during your trip. The following documents are accepted as proof of your green travel:
    • travel documents (travel tickets - e.g. bus ticket, train ticket), which contain the name of the student, the travel dates and the location of departure and arrival, or
    • without them (e.g. carsharing, car-pooling, train ticket without a name) a legal liability form (signed in blue ink and scanned).

What is the deadline for submitting these documents?
The Closing documents must be sent in PDF format attached to ONE email within five (5) working days after the closing date of the BIP. The email must contain your full name and NEPTUN code and the address to which the documents must be sent is The subject line of the email should read: BIP Mobility Closing – FULL NAME. Example: BIP Mobility Closing – James Simon William Brown-Smith. 

Is credit transfer mandatory? 
Yes, credit transfer is part of the mobility closing procedure and you must have the credits you earned at the partner institution recognised at ELTE GTK in this process. Please contact the Student Affairs and Registrar’s Office via Inform if you have any questions about transferring your credits. Choose the topic “Preliminary credit transfer for students participating in Erasmus+ mobility” and your enquiry will be processed.
