Prospective students’ visit to the Faculty of Economics

Prospective students’ visit to the Faculty of Economics
A group of approximately thirty young Chinese students paid a visit to our Faculty at the end of March to learn more about our programme offer and the many opportunities open to international students at ELTE GTK. 

The prospective students are currently studying at Pifis, a well-establish school offering preparatory programmes to young international individuals wishing to pursue their studies at Hungarian universities. During their time at Pifis, they acquire the knowledge and improve the skills which are required not only to gain admission to a Hungarian university but also to complete their higher education studies successfully.

In preparation for the visit, students were shown two videos about the Faculty (Image video with English subtitles – Why choose ELTE GTK? and Campus Tour (in English) and were offered various links on our website to learn more about the Faculty, the programme offer and, most importantly, about the application and admissions procedures. 

On the last day of March, the group attended a lecture in Economics II given be Patrick Baude. This was Part 2 of a two-part lecture on a model that illustrates how fiscal and monetary policy affect prices and output. The group was also given a short presentation on the Faculty. Both aimed to convince students that the best study opportunity in the field of economics and business is provided by ELTE’s Faculty of Economics. 

The visit concluded with a brief Q&A session and short tour of Building Q. 

If you would like to know more about us and are interested in studying on ELTE GTK’s two fully English-language bachelor programmes (International Business Economics and Finance and Accounting), follow these links: 

Apply to study on our programmes on ELTE’s DreamApply platform here:

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The application deadline for self-financed international students is 7 May. The written and oral admissions exams will be held in the second half of May and the results will be available in July. 

The Faculty of Economics eagerly awaits your application.