
By default, all compulsory, and compulsorily elective courses (except Project Work 1, 2, Thesis, and Internship) on the bachelor programmes end in an exam taken during the exam period at the end of the semester. However, it is also possible to complete a course already during the teaching period with an “offered grade” based on one’s academic performance in midterms and classes. The Principles and Ground Rules of Assessment (accessible to enrolled students with an IIG identifier; scroll down to page 2) depict the details of the ELTE GTK assessment scheme, while its key concepts and features (exam, exam eligibility, offered grade, etc.) are summarised below.
During the teaching period, a total of 100 points worth 100% can be earned in every course, and the number of percentage points you collect determines how you earn your final course grade (see below). On the one hand, you may use the points collected in the midterms and other activities during the teaching period to secure your exam eligibility. This will then allow you to take an exam during the exam period and thus obtain a grade. On the other hand, by earning a considerable number of points during the teaching period, you can fully complete a course with an offered grade even before the exams start.
Out of the total of 100 percentage points,
- 90 points worth 90.00% can be obtained by taking midterms (short tests written at the Exam Centre and assessing the students' understanding of material covered in a particular part of the semester) during the teaching period:
- in 3-credit courses: 2 midterms for 45.00% points each (2x45.00=90.00)
- in 6-credit courses: 3 midterms for 30.00% points each (3x30.00=90.00).
- Additionally, 10% points can be earned mostly through in-class activities in the lectures and seminars. To accommodate late arrivals, these activities start after one-third of the total number of lectures and seminars in a course has been held, and they do not need to be announced by the instructor in advance. It is important to know that the extra points can only be earned in the students’ own registered Neptun seminar groups.
Students, as a rule, secure their exam eligibility by collecting minimum 30.00% points in the 90.00+10.00%-point system. If substantiated mitigating circumstances (like late arrival, illness, etc.) necessitate it, students are given a retake chance to secure their exam eligibility. Enrolled students will find more information on this in the above-mentioned official document.
Offered grades can in principle be obtained by achieving good scores in the midterms and in the quizzes during the teaching period. They are only offered above 60.00% points and you can only get the following grades:
- 60.00-69.99% points > satisfactory (3)
- 70.00-84.99% points > good (4)
- 85.00-100.00% points > excellent (5).
Offered grades are entered into the Neptun system during the last weeks of the teaching period and you must either accept or reject them by a given deadline and under the conditions specified on a semester basis. If you accept your offered grade in a course, you do not have to take the exam. If you reject it or do nothing, you must register for and take an exam.
If you do not receive or do not accept your offered grades but fulfil the exam eligibility requirements, you can choose the earlier mentioned second option to complete your courses by taking exams during the exam period. In all exams you can score 100% points and these percentage points are then translated into the institutional 5-point grading system as follows,
- 0-49.99%: fail (1)
- 50.00-54.99%: sufficient/pass (2)
- 55.00-69.99%: satisfactory (3)
- 70.00-84.99%: good (4)
- 85.00-100%: excellent (5).
Important note: Percentage points received during the teaching period can only be used to secure your exam eligibility or to earn an offered grade. These points do not count towards the final course grade earned during the exam period.
Under normal circumstances, written exams are organised at the Exam Centre during the exam period. (Check the academic calendar here.) In every course, students can take three exams per semester. By default, exams follow a bi-weekly pattern (the same exams are repeated every two weeks). It is the students’ responsibility to draw up their own exam schedule. Registration for exams takes place in the Neptun system, and students can register for one exam at a time. If you fail an exam or wish to improve your grade, you can register for further exams (if they are available in the schedule) after learning your results. If you are unable to take a particular exam, deregistration is highly recommended to avoid losing an exam opportunity and having to pay extra charges.
At the end of the semester a student’s performance is assessed with a grade and grades are entered into the Neptun system. For more information on the grading system, read this website. Official documents detailing your academic performance including the grades and credits earned, and other information on your courses can be requested via Neptun. For more information on the different types of transcripts and to obtain them, visit Current students/Requests/REQUEST FOR TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS WITH COURSE SYLLABI or REQUEST FOR CERTIFIED COURSE SYLLABI or TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS FROM THE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEM.