The Opportunity Is Now Open – Grab It!

The Opportunity Is Now Open – Grab It!
On September 19 2024, a briefing on the 2024 Scientific Student Association (SSA or Tudományos Diákkör/TDK in Hungarian) was held on Teams, during which Dr Bálint Bedzsula presented the significance of the SSA, the participation requirements, and the steps leading to success. The aim of the event was to provide the attendees with a comprehensive overview of SSA's operation and to motivate them to participate in it, with a particular focus on the advantages that academic/scientific student activities can offer for their future professional development.

The Importance of the SSA in Higher Education

As the lecturer emphasized at the beginning of the briefing, due to the “mass education” nature of Hungarian higher education, closer cooperation between lecturers and students often proves to be difficult. However, SSA offers an opportunity through which students can establish personal and direct contact with their lecturers, which can also serve as a foundation for long-term professional relationships. The speaker stressed that the research conducted within the SSA helps students stand out from the crowd, which not only benefits them during their university years but also provides a significant advantage in the job market later on.

A particularly important point highlighted by Dr Bedzsula was that students participating in the SSA could join the top 3% elite of Hungarian higher education, which is a remarkable achievement. The fact that someone actively participates in academic/scientific life through the SSA carries significant weight both in universities and professional circles, as it can positively influence one's reputation during selection processes. Dr Bedzsula also pointed out that an increasing number of employers specifically look for students who have completed an SSA paper, as it demonstrates their scientific and professional dedication and skills.

Participation Requirements and Benefits of the SSA

During the briefing, the students learned about the basic SSA participation requirements. A key starting point is that the SSA papers prepared by students must be based on original research and cannot be solutions to tasks related to course requirements. This is important because the goal of SSA participation is for students to present independent research results This requires the students’ own ambitions and an added value. However, students are allowed to extend and further develop a previous project, but only if additional new results are involved.

It was also noted during the presentation that, during the preparation of the SSA paper, students work with consultants (supervisors)who guide them through the research process. This is one of the greatest advantages of building a professional network, as through collaboration with lecturers, students can gain deeper professional experience and academic and research contacts that may even lead to job opportunities later on.

Participants in the SSA not only receive recognition but can also earn financial rewards. Dr Bálint Bedzsula emphasized that the top-performing students are eligible for various scholarships provided by the Student Council in the form of a scientific scholarship. The amount can reach 150,000 HUF, which can serve as significant motivation for students. One key requirement for receiving the scholarship is that the applicants must be active full-time students.

Photo form the 2023 TDK

The Importance of the SSA in the Job Market

One of the topics highlighted in the presentation concerned the advantages SSA offers students in the job market. Dr Bálint Bedzsula pointed out that the papers prepared within the SSA and the participation in the conference are particularly attractive to employers. In many cases, these papers and research projects showcase scientific results and skills that clearly distinguish students from the crowd. The SSA, therefore, serves as a kind of springboard for future professional success as, through their work, students can demonstrate not only their theoretical knowledge but also their practical skills.

The speaker emphasised that the experience gained through participating in the SSA, the close collaboration with the consultants, and the understanding of the research process all contributed to students being able to apply these skills in their future workplace. The SSA conference offers a unique opportunity for students to participate in academic/scientific research and solve real-world problems, thereby establishing significant professional contacts.

The Importance of Topic Selection

One key to SSA success is selecting the right topic. The presenter also discussed what aspects students should consider when choosing a research topic. Primarily, students should choose an area they are personally interested in. This is important because the research process can be lengthy and time-consuming, and if students do not find the chosen topic exciting or relevant, they may easily lose motivation.

In addition to the personal attachment, it is also important that the chosen topic should be innovative, i.e. should involve something new and should contribute to the development of the field. Dr Bedzsula encouraged students to focus on issues that could lead to solutions to future problems and would create real value for both science and practical life. When selecting a topic, it is also worth considering the importance of the research area and how relevant it is to one’s future career plans.

The Application and Participation Process

Finally, the presenter outlined the technical details of applying for the SSA. Registration is open until 21 October and the deadline for submitting the papers is 28 October. Application takes place through an online Microsoft Forms platform accessible via the TDK (SSA) page on the Faculty’s Hungarian website, here. Applicants must submit the title of their paper, the consultant’s name, and a 150-300-word abstract. Dr Bedzsula advised the students that the preparation of the paper required careful time management, as the research and writing process demanded a lot of time and effort.

The SSA conference will take place on the afternoon of 6 November 2024, where students will present their work in sections before a professional jury.

We wish all future participants successful research and preparation!

Photos: Zoltán Csorba, Péter Horváth