
Most courses (i.e. the embodiment of “subjects” in a given semester) at ELTE GTK consist of lectures and seminars, and possibly some video-sessions. Lectures mostly deal with the theoretical aspects of the study field while seminars allow students to gain further knowledge and practical skills related to the topics. When registering for a course, it is important to choose both the lecture and the seminar in every course to see the full picture and to acquire thorough knowledge.
The Standard Curriculum is the principal document which provides essential information on studies. For each programme, it contains all the subjects (and additional options) a full-degree student must complete to earn a degree at ELTE GTK, as well as the recommended order of subjects per semester. If the order is observed, students can expect to complete their studies within the timeframe of their given programme (International Business Economics BA: 8 semesters, 240 credits and Finance and Economics BA: 7 semesters), 210 credits. In addition, the document also indicates the credit value of the individual subjects (by default, 3 or 6) and the weekly contact hours dedicated to them. It must be noted, however, that the weekly two or four 90-minute sessions are only indicative due to the fact that the GTK timetable is modular and, therefore, students do not have the same number of classes every week. Students are also reminded that they are also expected to devote time to studying their subjects beyond the contact hours (lectures and seminars). Active participation in the classes must be complemented by individual work outside the classroom, e.g. by doing project and team work, preparing for the classes, the midterms, the exams. All this work is necessary to acquire the body of knowledge related to a subject and to fulfil the course requirements. Overall, one credit equals 30 student working hours, so a 3-credit subject ideally requires 90 hours, while a 6-credit subject 180 hours of devoted student time. Full-time students are advised to follow their Standard Curriculum for the best academic experience and to graduate within the shortest possible time (8 or 7 semesters, depending on their programme), while Erasmus and guest students are free to choose their own courses. If you are short-term visiting student, the English-language courses on offer at the Faculty of Economics are shown here.
By default, ELTE GTK courses fall into different categories:
Compulsory courses
These courses provide indispensable knowledge to become a successful professional in your chosen field. You will not be able to graduate without completing these courses.
Compulsory elective courses
These courses allow students to gain additional knowledge in specific fields, giving them a choice of usually 5-8 courses/study field to suit their interests and to boost their future employment prospects. These courses are categorised into elective course groups (called units) in the following study fields:
- Compulsory Elective Course Unit in Social Sciences
- Compulsory Elective Course Unit in Law
- Compulsory Elective Course Unit in Informatics
- Compulsory Elective Course Unit in Business Sciences
- Compulsory Elective Course Unit in Economics Sciences
In your curriculum, you will see which compulsory elective course unit is relevant to your degree-programme, how many such courses and in which semesters you must complete.
Free elective (optional) courses
These courses can relate to all sorts of study fields. Each curriculum contains a certain number of credits assigned to such courses. They are mandatory to complete to graduate but the selection is wide: students can either choose courses from other ELTE GTK programmes than their own, or even any courses offered by the University.
Project Work
The courses called Project Work 1 (PW1) and Project Work 2 (PW2) are special study units and are the preparatory courses for your final thesis. After acquiring indispensable theoretical knowledge and some practical skills, these courses allow you to demonstrate your ability to apply theory to practice by producing a standard real-life business document. Based on your interest and, possibly, your work experience, you will choose a topic and be advised and supported by a supervisor in your research during PW 1, 2 and the Thesis and in the writing process. See the timelines and the relevant documents here.
A compulsory part of all programmes to prepare students for their future employment by gaining relevant work experience and mastering soft and transversal skills and competencies important in the 21st century. Depending on your programme, you will have to complete either one or two semesters of internship with an opportunity to do so in an international environment. (Documents related to the internship course are available on the website, while enrolled students will find more information in Moodle.)
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All the above courses are “regular” courses offered to students taking a course for the first time. If you cannot complete a course in the first round, you can retake it in two manners depending on your original performance. On the one hand, you can register for an exam-only course next time the course is offered (usu. the next semester) if, despite securing your exam eligibility, you fail all your (max. three) exams in the first exam period. In such courses no classes are provided but you can retake the exam(s) in the exam period, and thus earn a grade. On the other hand, the full retake of a course is necessary (when it is next offered - usually one year later) if you did not fulfil the exam eligibility requirements in the first round.