ELTE GTK students participate in the ACCA business game 2023

ELTE GTK students participate in the ACCA business game 2023
On 7 November 2023, an interactive business game was jointly organised by ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants), the world's most prestigious professional body in the field of finance and accounting and ELTE GTK for the students of the faculty to test their creativity, business acumen, and communication skills. 

In the business game conducted in English, participants had to work in teams to make business and financial decisions about the organisation of a large-scale event (a concert) while assessing the potential risks. During the four-hour challenge, the contestants came to realise that achieving success required not only sound professional knowledge but also a high dose of luck, as unexpected events that require major adjustments to previously well-constructed scenarios could arise at any time. An unexpected twist during the evening occurred when the teams had to present their ideas to a panel of sponsors made up of their professors and had to compete for their support. We asked some participants about their experiences and the lessons learnt during the event:

Melvin Tammen:
I am in the Master's program "Economics and Law" at the University of Oldenburg, Germany. I am currently completing an Erasmus semester at the Faculty of Economics, ELTE University. Overall, I really enjoyed the event. On the one hand, I liked the scenario. As a group, we were a new event organizer. We had several different tasks to organize the most profitable event possible. Secondly, I liked the friendly atmosphere created by you as the organizers and us as the participants. This meant that nobody felt uncomfortable, and we were able to learn a lot from the event. I think we won mainly because of two success factors. The first is that we opted for a very well-known act at the beginning. Although this resulted in high fixed costs, it gave us the opportunity to sell a lot of tickets for a high price in the end. This means that you not only have to weigh up the costs of your decisions, but also the resulting consequences. The second factor for me was our teamwork. We discussed every decision, and everyone was heard. In the end, we made decisions unanimously. Even if the result hadn't turned out so well, we wouldn't have had to accept any blame in this situation because we made the best decision from our point of view.

Jaya Karthikeyan:
I’m pursuing a bachelor’s degree programme in Finance and Accounting at ELTE GTK and am currently enrolled in my third semester. I would say, overall, the whole event was a great learning experience, and it gave me an opportunity to find out more about ACCA. A primary takeaway from this event was the ideas and important information on things that I definitely need in order to take my future career to the next level.

Katonka Fanni:
I am a first-year student on the International Business Economics bachelor’s programme at ELTE GTK. Working with second- and third-year finance and accounting students, I learnt a lot from them through a team effort that could easily have been a real-life project. Even though I've only been studying accounting since September, I was very happy that I understood the more specific tasks and was able to help the team with those as well. We had to use our creativity, the knowledge we had acquired during our studies, and our own personal skills to solve the diverse and challenging tasks, which allowed me to see how people with different personalities and attitudes can work together. I particularly liked the fact that we could also use our foreign language skills by discussing certain tasks in English. I'm very happy that we made a great team and that everyone did their best to be successful. We didn't win the game, but we got the biggest investment. It was an unforgettable experience for me.

Henyecz Noémi:
I am a first-year student on the Economics and Management BA programme. A chance meeting led me to the ACCA Business Game event, and I'm really happy that my evening unexpectedly turned out so well. I'm fortunate that I could participate in such a special event already in my first year and that I had some constructive ideas to add to my team's success. The best part was that the game was not in Hungarian and so I was able to improve my English communication skills while also making new international connections and having lots of fun. One thing I will definitely take away from this challenge is that no matter how scary a sudden opportunity may look, you must go for it because you learn by experience. I have now also learnt that I can be a successful and constructive team-member collaborating in English and that I should think creatively because that's what takes me forward.

ELTE GTK is committed to world-class teaching in accounting, and, to this end, the Faculty established a collaboration with ACCA in 2018. As a testimony to the excellence of the Faculty’s academic performance, the professional body has since then granted GTK students on the Master’s in Accounting programme exemption from six ACCA exams and the Finance and Accounting BA students studying the relevant subjects in English, from five ACCA exams (out of thirteen).  ACCA’s qualification is recognised as one of the world's most prestigious global accounting and finance qualifications in the profession.

Snapshots from the ACCA BUSINESS GAME 2023

Snapshots from the ACCA BUSINESS GAME 2023




