Back to (summer) university!

Back to (summer) university!
Between 11 and 15 July, after a two-years break, the Business & Economics Summer University of our faculty has been organized again! It has not only attracted many of our own students, but also numerous young people travelled to Budapest to participate in it. The courses were are in English, and in addition to GTK faculty members, other teachers arrived from the co-faculties of ELTE, but also from Germany, Poland, and the United States. Below, you can read about the first impressions of the participants.

But why could be worth visiting classes in summer? This question is answered by Zsófia Szonja Hinek, a freshman in international economics at GTK: “It’s always beneficial to improve ourselves, and, as the summer break is long, one can have plenty of time to learn new things. I really liked my first two accounting subjects, so I took the managerial accounting at BESU. This way I can complete 6 credits and can learn about a topic which is normally not included in my curriculum.” Zsófi had conflicting impressions on the first day: on the one hand, getting up early and studying regularly seems to be far away by now, and, therefore, is a bit difficult as well; on the other hand, the attitude of the teacher, the structure of the classes and the atmosphere tilted the balance (sheet) in a positive direction. 

If you participate in BESU you inevitably meet foreign students. This year, 20 young people arrived from places as different as Australia, Peru, Indonesia, Japan and the European countries. Marth Deferm from Belgium was one of the firsts to apply, and took the flight to Budapest for two reasons: to deepen her understanding of comparative economics and to get to know Budapest better. “I don’t know yet what I would like to have as a career path, so now I rather want to learn as much as possible about the world and to broaden my mind. I really like the university, the classes, I think, it also very well organized. The lecture is a bit fast for me now, but I hope, I can catch up soon quickly.” Thibault van der Ryse, who participated in Patrick Meunier’s entrepreneurship course had similar experiences so far: “I thought, there would be more students in this class; however, on the first day, I had highly valuable conversations with my eleven classmates. I already finished my studies and work, but I think that those lessons are useful in my current stage of life and when I would start my own company, the information I learned will come handy for sure.” Those, who joined Professor’s Meunier course, could already tune into the idea of an own company, since they had to present in groups a business plan on Friday. We wonder what the young people came up with in those five days? 

Thibault added that even though he applied in the last moment, he only had one criterion in mind while choosing summer university: it should be in a place far away from his hometown. He didn’t know anything about the city or our university, but as he indicated, his expectations were fulfilled completely so far. Mikako Ise, a Japanese exchange student of the ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences has a bit different background. She studies law in her home country; here, she applied for sociology for her exchange year and spent the week of BESU on business communication training. When she came to Hungary, it was still the time of online teaching, therefore, she chose BESU to get to learn new people and make friends. “In addition, I would also like to improve my way of communication and want to become more confident in business life.” Last but not least, we asked Izsák Hrenkó, student of our Faculty in the finance master’s program to tell some words about his first day in Marketing Strategies in Digital Context course: “I cannot pick only one thing as the best one, since all my experiences have been very positive by now. For example, the classes have a nice atmosphere, we have a lot of interaction there, I’m also really looking forward to our project presentation on Friday. And on long run I hope that I will be able to make the most out of the time here at BESU and in my career as well.”

This year’s BESU finished on 15 July. That day, the students gave account of their learnings  by a presentation or a written exam. According to the feedback of their teachers, they did this in a brilliant way.






