Trial access to the ProQuest One Business database

Trial access to the ProQuest One Business database
ProQuest has offered trial access to its One Business database of business and economics titles until 19 March, available at this link and also on the Ebook Central platform.

Contents of the database:

  • Scientific journals: Financial Times, The Economist, Wall Street Journal, Barron’s etc.
  • Magazines: Financial Times, The Economist, Wall Street Journal, Barron’s stb.
  • Case studies
  • SWOT analyses
  • Business studies
  • Country reports (EIU, Fitch, Oxford Economics, etc.).
  • Dissertations
  • 25 000 e-books
  •  Thousands of videos

Access is possible by connecting to the ELTE’s internet network, or in case of remote access using the Stunnel or VPN service.