International Visitors at our Faculty

International Visitors at our Faculty
The Chinese guests’ visit was organised by is GTK’s long-term partner PIFIS, a leading preparatory school in Budapest, whose students are keen to study at ELTE’s Faculty of Economics. The visitors were greeted in the quadrangle of the faculty’s main building by representatives of the International Office and the Vice-President for International Affairs of the Faculty of Economics Student Union. 

The first part of the visit took place in the faculty’s picturesque historical board room. In a presentation on GTK and ELTE, Dr Judit Fortvingler (Director of Foreign Affairs) and Dr Nóra Kelecsényi (International Academic Adviser) highlighted the wide-ranging opportunities GTK’s international students have. These include internationalisation through studying in the same classes with Hungarian students on the two fully English degree programmes (International Business Economics and Finance and Accounting) and various international collaborations, the student-oriented course completion schemes allowing students to optimise their workload to suit their various attitudes to learning, study strategies, and personal circumstances, as well as the dedicated support the International Team provides through a unique platform, induction sessions for freshmen, and so on. Students can benefit from the experience of a committed team of teachers with first-hand international and local business experience, and the availability of recorded lectures at the Video Library, which help students with midterm and exam revision. Mentors and various student organisations provide international students with assistance concerning academic and life management matters. Various events, clubs, and the faculty hikes offer opportunities for integration and community building. The presentation ended with a brief outline of the admissions requirements and the entrance exams, which emphasise, assess, and value not primarily factual knowledge but rather such qualities as self-sufficiency, team spirit, and business mindedness. Naturally, excellent English-language skills are also required to be a successful GTK student and future international business person. Application via ELTE’s DreamApply platform (International Business EconomicsFinance and Accounting) is open until the beginning of May and the admissions exams are planned for early-mid May.

After the presentation, GTK’s representatives answered questions posed by the distinguished guests, who also expressed their interest in promoting the Faculty among the students of Wugang No. 3 High School (one of the finest secondary schools in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China), as well as among other high achieving students of the region.

The presentation was crowned by a walking tour of the faculty buildings during which one of the state-of-the art lecture halls in Building Q, the Video Library, the recently opened Building P, and the unique Exam Centre (where over 200,000 computerised midterms and exams take place every semester) were visited. 

ELTE GTK and its steadily growing international student community is looking forward to welcoming further talented and ambitious international students, including future Chinese undergraduates, on its programmes!