ELTE GTK Student Union (HÖK)

What is HÖK?
The representative body for all ELTE GTK students is our student union (in Hungarian: Hallgatói Önkormányzat; HÖK). They are the ones who work tirelessly to improve the framework of the faculty, regarding both studying and socializing. HÖK’s work is difficult yet rewarding. Let’s examine how HÖK operates, who the council members are and how You, yes You, my dear reader, can help shape the future of GTK.
How does HÖK operate?
Not only the university but also the Students’ Union has a long tradition. The Union’s main duty is to represent Hungarian and international students at ELTE in connection with different issues, such as study, allowance, and remedy issues. As an international student, the student organization ESN ELTE will help you get familiar with Hungarian language and culture, the faculties, and student life at ELTE. You can turn to the Student’s Union for help regarding fundamental questions concerning your studies and credits, and they will give you a helping hand in every situation.
The Students’ Union has a two-tier structure: first students elect the representatives from among themselves directly, then the faculties delegate members from the representatives to the University Students’ Union (EHÖK). The University Students’ Union coordinates the work of the Faculty Students’ Unions, represents students in the university’s governance and in the National Students’ Union, and it organizes student community life. The Students’ Union is an autonomous organization which elects the representatives in a democratic way and, all in all, is the heart of the students' fellowship.
Who are the union members?
HÖK’s presidential union is made up of 13 members plus 27 elected representatives. The roles in the presidential union are redistributed at the annual statutory meeting. The last meeting was held on 14th December 2022. The event was conducted by Levente Molnár, the resigning President of HÖK.
For the 2023/24 season, our President is none other than lovely Anna Dorottya NAGY. She is currently in her 4th semester, studying Commerce and Marketing. Anna was the Deputy-president of the previous council. Uplifting others and helping shape communities are her main strengths, which she has already proven time and time again. Newcomer events, MSc students, the preservation of “the GTK feel”, these are her main goals for the upcoming year. In her presidential programme, she summarizes everything in one word: “Together.”
Levente MOLNÁR, our new Deputy-president is currently in his 8th semester, studying International Business Economics. During his last year, he wishes to assist the work of the new President, as well as to maintain the achievements of the previous years. Preserving traditions, strengthening external relations, and transferring knowledge are the key points of his programme.
In HÖK, we have 6 vice presidents, each of them responsible for different areas regarding our social and academic lives.
Liliána FAZEKAS is responsible for Communication matters. Having spent 4 semesters in Commerce and Marketing, her interest in communications is understandable. Although it is necessary to pay attention to what is said, in her opinion, it is also important to take into account what is not said. In her own words: Not everyone who is talking is actually saying something, and silence does not mean that a person has nothing to say.
Tóbiás SOTI’s main area is GTK’s Economic situation. He plans to improve the well-being of our students by responsibly accounting for HÖK’s incomes and expenses. He wishes to improve our learning environment and aspires to find new and even newer sponsors to do so.
Ákos ULMANN was elected Academic Vice president. His goal is to minimize the students’ problems and to provide extensive support in academic matters. He would like to start a new initiative called “Academic Student Group” (Tudományos Diákkör, TDK) where everyone could satisfy their curiosity about the R&D field.
Réka Judit BOROS is the expert on Foreign Affairs. In her programme, she would like to focus on four main areas: preparing an Erasmus Handbook, focusing on Lifelong Learning, collaborating with ESN ELTE and starting an Erasmus Alumni initiative. If you are an international students here and have any questions, do not hesitate to contact her at kulugy@gtkhok.elte.hu!
Enikő NAGY is our Social Vice President. Enikő likes to help others, which is clearly reflected in her role in HÖK. She wishes to establish new traditions oriented towards charitable notions. In her words: “ELTE is already famous for having an amazing community and, I think, together we could do wonders.”
Mátyás József VIDA is responsible for GTK’s events. By organizing prom four times at high school and his immense help with coordinating the Newcomer Camp (Gólyatábor) and the Newcomer Week (Gólyahét), he has been responsible for every GTK student’s first impressions and memories here at ELTE. His main goal is to keep on improving the quality of GTK’s events with the help of other departments as well as maintaining ELTE GTK’s amazing community.
Additional roles include 2 desk officers and 2 agents.
Krisztina ERDŐ is the Academic Desk Officer. She is responsible for informing students about academic news. She plans to make scholarship opportunities more accessible to every student at GTK. Working closely with Ákos Ulmann, she also plays a big role in organizing the Academic Student Group.
Brigitta MUHARI is our Sports Desk Officer. Her main goal is to establish a strong community in the world of sports that not only lasts during our University years, but maybe, throughout our whole life. She plans to organize more sport events and wishes to establish a Sports Scholarship.
For the role of BSc Integrity Agent, Dorottya PAPP was deemed as most suitable. She is responsible for helping BSc students with their integration into our community.
Bernadett SIMON was elected as MSc Integrity Agent. Her main goal is to help MSc students rediscover GTK’s charm and wonderful community as well as help newcomers find a place here.
The Editor-In-Chief for GTK Story Magazine is Andrea KOVÁCS. Reporting about University life, providing useful information on nearly everything as well as having a puzzle section GTK Story Magazine has it all. And even more! With the 5th season going on, our Magazine now has a new section in English for our wonderful international students. This would not be possible without Andrea, whose main aspiration is to strengthen the editorial staff and to make the Magazine available to all students here at GTK. Make sure to grab your copy in April!
How can You help HÖK’s work?
By studying here and being a member of GTK is already help in and of itself. If you would like to do more, you can easily help by immersing yourself in the GTK feel: visit our events, come to our parties, take part in our social events or just grab an issue of the Magazine: any support is support. Any observations or comments are more than welcome so make sure to contact us anytime you feel like it. You can find ELTE GTK HÖK on Instagram at @eltegtkhok and on Facebook as ELTE GTK HÖK. If you would like to write an email, make sure to write to info@gtkhok.elte.hu!