Congratulations to our new international graduates!

Congratulations to our new international graduates!
The first International Graduation Ceremony for GTK students took place on 4 July. Ten graduates, accompanied by their families and friends, participated in the joyful event.

The ceremony and the reception were organised by the International Office specifically for those international students who graduated in the spring semester of 2024. Several farewell speeches were made in honour of and by the graduates. 

Join us in congratulating our ten pioneering graduates of the International Business Economics and the Finance and Accounting programmes, namely

  • Yida Cheng (China)
  • Saptadip Dey (Bangladesh)
  • Abel Luigi Gueli (Italy-Hungary)
  • Khanh An Nguyen Hoang (Vietnam)
  • Wenqing Luo (China)
  • Isabek Mamatkulov (Kyrgyzstan) 
  • Valeriia Mamtseva (Russia)
  • HongSeok Park (South Korea)
  • Munkhbat Tserendemchig (Mongolia)
  • Yang Yuyun (China)

Special salutations go to Isabek Mamatkulov, who earned an Honours Degree and to Khanh An Nguyen Hoang, who received the ELTE Faculty of Economics Plaque of Appreciation and a Certificate of Appreciation from the GTK Student Union for her unwavering commitment and service to the Faculty and the integration of international students at ELTE.

Watch the video and browse our collection of the best photos. They all reflect the informal yet uplifting atmosphere of the first ever GTK international graduation ceremony.

We wish our new graduates success in their personal and professional life.

Photos: Bence Végh
Video: Gergely Bernáth






