Coming soon: GTK’s next International Graduation Ceremony

Coming soon: GTK’s next International Graduation Ceremony
The Faculty of Economics is preparing to celebrate its new international graduates on Monday, 3 February 2025.

Just a few months after the first festive international graduation ceremony in July 2024, we are now making arrangements to honour those international students who have recently completed their studies on the two English-language bachelor’s programmes at the Faculty of Economics, namely International Business Economics BA and Finance and Accounting BA.

More than half of the new graduates were self-financed students, while a slightly smaller group held the Hungarian government’s prestigious Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship (SH) during their studies. These students were among the early international pioneers on our English-language programmes and effectively contributed to shaping our faculty. We hope that by studying together with local and other inter­national they also forged lasting personal and professional relationships and will fondly remember their Alma Mater throughout their life and career.  

Congratulations and see you at the International Graduation Ceremony soon!

Photo: Bence Végh